
Fix Chrome Star Auto Bookmark

# Update 27 Feb 2024

The Chrome flags to disable simplified bookmarks is gone in the latest version. If you are using Ubuntu, you can downgrade chrome or chromium in Snap

Here are the steps

  1. Revert chromium version
snap revert chromium

This will be rolling back to version Version 121.0.6167.160 (Official Build) snap (64-bit)

Which now, when you access chrome://flags it will have bookmark-flow features

2. Disable auto-update features

snap refresh --hold=forever


snap refresh --hold=<duration> <snap1> <snap2>

This is annoying where the bookmark or star is automatically added. To remove this feature


The disable it!


Fix PySpark contains a task of very large size. The maximum recommended task size is 1000 KiB

If you got this error when running your notebook with warning

contains a task of very large size. The maximum recommended task size is 1000 KiB

This mean PySpark warning you to increase the partition or parallelism (and might memory as well).

Example code to configure it, where you can adjust based on your workstation memory. In my case, is 192GB is my max memory

import os
os.environ['PYSPARK_SUBMIT_ARGS'] = '--driver-memory 192g --executor-memory 16g pyspark-shell'

# add this one in your spark configuration
spark.conf.set("spark.sql.execution.arrow.pyspark.enabled", "true")

Full implementation

import os
from pyspark import SparkContext

os.environ['PYSPARK_SUBMIT_ARGS'] = '--driver-memory 192g --executor-memory 16g --executor-cores 10 pyspark-shell'
os.environ['PYARROW_IGNORE_TIMEZONE'] = '1'

builder = SparkSession.builder
builder = builder.config("spark.driver.maxResultSize", "5G")

spark = builder.master("local[*]").appName("FMClassifier_MovieLens").getOrCreate()
spark.conf.set("spark.sql.analyzer.failAmbiguousSelfJoin", "false")
spark.conf.set("spark.sql.execution.arrow.pyspark.enabled", "true")

Additional bonus description if you would like to increase the instances as well

spark = SparkSession.builder.config('spark.executor.instances', 4).getOrCreate()
spark.conf.set("spark.sql.analyzer.failAmbiguousSelfJoin", "false")

Install CUDA 11 on Ubuntu 23.10

To solve Driver or CUDA 11 installation error in Ubuntu 23.10, the answer is to ensure its using the compatible GCC version. By default installation, it will using GCC 13 which is not working when compiling CUDA or NVIDIA Drivers (required GCC 10). Installing CUDA 11 is important to run Tensorflow that haven’t fully adapted with CUDA 12.

Failed to verify gcc version. See log at /var/log/cuda-installer.log for details.

First step to fixing this problem is to uninstall any nvidia and cuda installation made previously

sudo apt autoremove cuda* nvidia* --purge

Next, install GCC 10

sudo apt install gcc-$MAX_GCC_VERSION g++-$MAX_GCC_VERSION
sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/gcc gcc /usr/bin/gcc-$MAX_GCC_VERSION $MAX_GCC_VERSION

Next, choose the GCC 10 as default by running this command

sudo update-alternatives --config gcc

Now, you all set! You can start to do installation of CUDA 11 in Ubuntu 23.10. Make sure to un-check the driver installation part (where we will install it later)

sudo ./

Next, I’m using Ubuntu NVIDIA default installation. So, I revert back the GCC to version 13, using the same command

sudo update-alternatives --config gcc
sudo apt install nvidia-driver-525

You can repeat the process like CUDNN, TensorRT and others installation following my previous article here

Finally, make sure if anything broken with NVCC, is to switch the GCC version to 10, not 13.


Fix VSCode open Large file by increase Memory

When opening Netflix data around 1GB, the VSCode is crashed. My memory are pretty much 30% usage and have plenty room to open this 1GB file.

To fix this, either run from terminal

code --max-memory=12288mb

Or right click the menu in Ubuntu, and replace the launcher with this.

code  --max-memory=12288mb --unity-launch %F

Fix Failed to load implementation from:dev.ludovic.netlib.blas.VectorBLAS

When you got error “Failed to load implementation from:dev.ludovic.netlib.blas.VectorBLAS” when running ALS training, the quickfix for Intel MKL are

sudo ln -s /opt/intel/oneapi/mkl/2023.2.0/lib/intel64/ /usr/local/lib/
sudo ln -s /opt/intel/oneapi/mkl/2023.2.0/lib/intel64/ /usr/local/lib/

Or follow this:


Solve No builder could be found in the director tensorflow dataset

When downloading movielens dataset from Tensorflow dataset, I got this error

No builder could be found in the director tensorflow dataset

The quick solution is to upgrade

pip install --upgrade tfds-nightly
Machine Learning

Create Custom Metric Accuracy for Trainer Classification

Here are a simple custom metric to measure accuracy, which you can attach it into Trainer parameter

from transformers import Trainer
from evaluate import load

metric = load('accuracy')

def compute_metrics(pred):
    labels = pred.label_ids
    preds = pred.predictions.argmax(-1)
    accuracy = metric.compute(predictions=preds, references=labels)

    return {'accuracy': accuracy}
trainer = Trainer(
    compute_metrics=compute_metrics, <----- HERE


Install WordPress in Ubuntu 22.04 LightSail AWS

Here are technical quick steps on setup a brand new WordPress website using NGINX, PHP-FPM, LetsEncrypt and MariaDB. After following the step, you will have a website running in very cheap LightSail AWS ~ $5 / month.

Lets follow this 7 steps and just require less than 5 minutes!

  1. Go to AWS Lightsail and launch a new instance.
    Go to and launch a new instance. Create a static IP Address and attach into this instance. Then, you can assign the NS of domain into new IP address both www and non-www.

    Then go to networking and enable “443” port to ensure HTTPS allowed from firewall.

Run Chrome on different network interfaces in Ubuntu

If you have two different internet providers running in single PC, most of time you would like to split the usage between different network interface / adapter.

For instance, you want one browser for browsing and others for downloading / uploading activities. There are several solution to run multiple ethernet network devices like bind-address, firejail and others that may not working easily in Ubuntu

Quick solution for this is to leverage open-source project :

First, clone the project

git clone

Second, compile it (make sure to have gcc already installed)

gcc -nostartfiles -fpic -shared bindToInterface.c -o -ldl -D_GNU_SOURCE

Third, get your network interfaces information with sudo ifconfig (you can install this as well) and try to get interfaces name. In my case, I have two: enpf0 and enpf1.

docker0: flags=4099<UP,BROADCAST,MULTICAST>  mtu 1500
        inet 172.17xxxx  netmask  broadcast

enpf0: flags=4163<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST>  mtu 1500
        inet 192.168.xx.xx  netmask  broadcast 

enpf1: flags=4163<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST>  mtu 1500
        inet 192.168.xxxx  netmask  broadcast         ....

Now, here is a quick way to run Google Chrome or Firefox with different network interfaces or ethernet with public internet access.

Go inside the github project (or you can copy the .so file) and run this command. Replace enpf1 with your own network interface

BIND_INTERFACE=enpf1 LD_PRELOAD=./ /usr/bin/google-chrome-stable 

Now you successfully open the google-chrome with specific network interface.


Solve WordPress NGINX (13: Permission denied)

A quick step to solve this error from WordPress and NGINX

crit *2 stat() index.php" failed (13: Permission denied) wordpress

Make sure to create permission to the hosted folder by

chmod +x /path/website

If the problem still exists, try to add www-data into your user group

gpasswd -a www-data ubuntu

If the page is not found, try to restart your php-fpm services

sudo service php8.1-fpm stop
sudo service php8.1-fpm start