Machine Learning

Install P2P Dual RTX 4090 Ubuntu 24.04

A good news, we can enable P2P for Dual RTX 4090 or more. When running simpleP2P script, we will got this results. Don’t worry, next is how to enable it easily!

[./simpleP2P] - Starting...
Checking for multiple GPUs...
CUDA-capable device count: 2

Checking GPU(s) for support of peer to peer memory access...
> Peer access from NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090 (GPU0) -> NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090 (GPU1) : No
> Peer access from NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090 (GPU1) -> NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090 (GPU0) : No
Two or more GPUs with Peer-to-Peer access capability are required for ./simpleP2P.
Peer to Peer access is not available amongst GPUs in the system, waiving test.

First thing, make sure to enable Resize BAR and disable IOMMU in BIOS (I’m using ASUS WRX80SAGE).

Next, uninstall all nvidia drivers (*yes, thats right!)

# Uninstall all nvidia
sudo apt-get --purge remove "*nvidia*"
sudo apt-get --purge remove "*cuda*" "*cudnn*" "*cublas*" "*cufft*" "*cufile*" "*curand*" "*cusolver*" "*cusparse*" "*gds-tools*" "*npp*" "*nvjpeg*" "nsight*" "*nvvm*" "*libnccl*"

# disable iommu
ll /sys/class/iommu/

# install dependencies
sudo apt install git cmake

# reboot
sudo reboot

Solve Unsloth AttributeError: ‘NoneType’ object has no attribute ‘attn_bias’

I got this error when running SFT Training using Unsloth, in Trainer.compute_loss(self, model, inputs, return_outputs, num_items_in_batch)
   3729         loss_kwargs["num_items_in_batch"] = num_items_in_batch
   3730     inputs = {**inputs, **loss_kwargs}
-> 3731 outputs = model(**inputs)
   3732 # Save past state if it exists
    198     causal_mask = xformers.attn_bias.BlockDiagonalCausalMask\
    199         .from_seqlens([q_len]*bsz)\
    200         .make_local_attention(window_size = sliding_window)

AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'attn_bias'

The solution is

pip install pip3-autoremove
pip-autoremove torch torchvision torchaudio -y 
pip install torch torchvision torchaudio xformers --index-url
pip unsloth